Can You Lucid Dream, Like Me?

What is lucid dreaming? Basically, it is when you know you are dreaming, while asleep. It is when you are aware that you are in the middle of a dream. Taking it up a notch, it is also when you can control the narrative, and control your dreams. I can lucid dream and it is DOPE.

Let me explain. Every time I am in the middle of a dream, I am totally aware of it. It is like I am half asleep. Sometimes I can’t control my dreams, but I am always aware.

I have this weird ability to wake up from a dream, literally sit up, think about what happened, and then lay down and continue my dream. Even better, I have actually laid back down and rewound my dream, and changed what happened if I didn’t like the outcome.

LUCID DREAM #1: One time I dreamed my current boyfriend at the time was cheating on me and I walked in on it. In the first dream, I walked in, saw him cheating, and then ran out of the room crying. I woke up, sat up, laid back down and re-started the dream. I let the exact same dream play out, except for when I walked in on it, I walked up to the boyfriend at the time, and punched him in the face. Then I woke up and felt so much better. HAHA.

LUCID DREAM #2: Warning. This one is graphic and honestly one of my biggest fears.

I was in a college lecture hall. An active shooter walked in and started shooting at the classroom. I was caught and ended up on my knees with my hands up waiting for the shooter to shoot. The first outcome, I died and then woke up immediately. For some reason I decided to go back into that dream and change what happened.

The way I changed it put me into a different classmate’s body. Basically I watched myself die, instead of being the one who died like the first scenario. Bizarre.

If you look up what watching yourself die in a dream might mean, it usually means they are going through a life change, (positive or negative,) they may have anxiety, etc. I did have this dream in college, so this makes sense.

This whole, random, topic was brought up because of a new favorite song of mine that I felt I needed to share. See below. ;)

Songs Stuck In My Head

Lucid! This song is a BOP. I believe this song is about a woman, which is so great. Regardless, I hope you have fun blasting this in the speakers of your car because I have been!

Last night, this song was stuck in my head while I was trying to sleep so I popped some melatonin and hit the hay. Damn, this song is FIRE though. GET MY ASS TO THE CLUBS ALREADY!

Alright, I was originally going to only post Lucid by Rina and then my playlist kept rattling off HITS and they all fit nicely together. This is a song I have heard, but never downloaded until last weekend, which should be a sin. ALL OF THESE WILL GET STUCK IN YOUR HEAD but I don’t think you will be too mad about it. Enjoy. Peace & Love.

Formaldehyde & Butter

Ya’ll… I am NOT okay. It has officially been 15 days of not being able to eat and smell normally. For anyone new tuning in, I lost my sense of smell for going on three months after having COVID. I am getting my smell back, but everything is distorted. The smell I smell resembles formaldehyde, hence the title of this section.

I have lost motivation, have had increased anxiety, and lost six pounds since this all began. I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. I am here to let everyone know that this is a real side effect of COVID-19 that is happening to more people than just myself. I have had 10+ people in my DM’s explaining how they either went through this, or are going through it now.

Here is what my diet consists of at the moment:

1. Butter
2. Bread (Bagels, Toast, Tortillas)
3. Buttered Noodles
4. Cheese (Shredded, Deli Sliced, Shaved Parmesan, String Cheese)
5. Fruit (Pineapple, Blueberries, Watermelon, Oranges)
6. Black Coffee
7. Milk
8. Mac and Cheese
9. Deli Turkey Meat
11. Grilled Cheese
12. Ramen

Here is what I know I can ABSOLUTELY not have right now. When I say that, I mean if I taste or smell these items, I will gag uncontrollably till it makes me cry or vomit! Anyways, those items are:

1. OIL (anything cooked in oil, HELL NO, NOT FOR ME)
2. Fried food
3. Tomato/Marinara/Pizza sauce (gags while typing this)
4. BBQ Sauce (made the mistake of smelling it to see and yeah… NOPE)
5. Vegan Nuggets
6. Beer :(

So, I will admit. I haven’t tried a lot during this time because I am scared to. When I am trying a new food to add to my pallet, I make sure to smell it and then taste a little of the item. If the smell is horrid, I know I cannot bare to taste it also. THIS SHIT SUCKS.

Alright, I am done talking about this. Moving on. Hopefully I can report back with better news next blog post in regards to this!


Goin’ Thru’ It - How 'Bout You?


Let’s Dive Into A Good Music Dump